
Facts, Thoughts and Opinions

Job Search

For any particular position, I assume that there are 3 or more people being interviewed, 5-10 people being contacted, and dozens of people applying.

Listing Tasks & Duties in Your Resume

Break the rule that tells you to list your tasks and duties on your resume. Who cares? You're different from anyone who has ever held any of your past jobs. Don't tell us about the job description. We can guess from your title what each job required. Tell us what you left in your wake in each job.


During my job search in 2012, I got asked this question: What was the ROI on the work that I did? This interviewer asked me that for each of my previous positions. I was stunned. I had never considered that before, and none of my employers had ever made an issue of it. And it transformed how I view the work that I do.

Sharing Your Salary

Defy the rule that tells you to report your salary history as you apply for a job. Is the employer going to tell you the history of salaries they've paid to other people in the same role? They won't, so why should you lose negotiating leverage by passing on your private financial details? All they need is a target salary number, so give them that.

Use "I" in Your Resume

Break the rule that tells you not to use "I" in your resume. How absurd! Your resume is a marketing document. You are the product. Six or seven uses of the word "I" in your resume will make it a personal document between you and the reader — the person who could easily become your next boss.

