Facts, Thoughts and Opinions
Charity, Welfare and Government
Charity is not an appropriate function of the government, no matter what any particular religion or theological authority claims. Charity is not part of the legislative duty of the government. (This was noted by James Madison in a 1794 speech in the House of Representatives.) Furthermore, elected officials use public benefits to win votes and create a circle of dependence.
Government and Healthcare
Get government out of healthcare altogether. Government wants people to be healthy only to continue to vote for it and fund it. If you are going to take more from "the system" than you will put it, government ultimately doesn't want you. Thus government will pay lip service to human rights but ultimately support abortion as well as euthanasia.
Marriage and government
Government cannot comprehend marriage. It can only comprehend legalisms. Thus government cannot define marriage. It can recognize civil union, but civil union is not the same thing as marriage. The government can permit people to enter into civil union regardless of whether not they are actually married in the spirit of the universe. Thus government should be concerned only with the legal arrangement (contract) between two people, not what they do within their relationship.
Government has only these interests in the healthcare of the governed:
- Bribing the governed to ensure the votes of the governed;
- Keeping the producers healthy enough to provide tax revenue to the government;
- Terminating those who are net consumers of resources.
Given these facts, the free person should completely reject the participation of the government in his healthcare.
Responsible government
Responsible government:
- Respects human life at all stages of development and regardless of the physical or intellectual capability of the individual.
- Respects liberty and the privacy of the individual but reserves the right to intervene when the actions of one individual infringes the rights of others.
- Respects social norms and does not engage in social engineering.
- Respects and upholds the limits imposed on its power and reach.
The righteous purpose of government
The righteous purpose of government is to protect and preserve the peace and prosperity of its jurisdiction.
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