git log -1 <commit> ¶ Limit scope to a particular commit.
git log —abbrev-commit ¶ Show only the first few characters of the SHA-1 checksum instead of all 40.
git log —all-match ¶ Return log entries that match all of the conditions specified.
git log <commit>..HEAD ¶ List all commits starting with and after <commit>.
git log —decorate ¶ Decorate with ref names.
git log —graph ¶ Show commit graph.
git log —grep <string> ¶ Look for commits with a certain phrase in the commit message.
git log -<n> ¶ Show only <n> most recent commits.
git log —name-only ¶ Show recent commits with the file names.
git log -p ¶ definition: 'Show the actual changes made.'
git log -p -1 <commit> ¶ Show the change made by a particular commit.
git log —pretty=format:"%h %an %ad %N" <filename> ¶ Format the data line as follows: Abbreviated commit hash, author name, commit date, commit notes.
git log —pretty=oneline ¶ definition: 'Print each commit on a single line.'
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git log —pretty=oneline | grep <string> ¶ Find commit(s) with comments containing <string>.
git log —reverse ¶ definition: 'Reverse order of results.'
git log -s ¶ definition: 'Suppress diff output.'
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git log —stat ¶ definition: 'Show abbreviated stats for each commit.'
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Facts, Thoughts and Opinions
git lol
Provides a really nice graph of your tree, showing the branch structure of merges.
git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit