git diff —cached ¶ definition: 'Diff files staged for commit.'
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git diff <filepath> — <branch> ¶ definition: 'Diff a file in the current branch with same in another branch.'
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git diff —name-only <commit>^..<commit> ¶ List the files modified in a particular commit.
git diff —name-only master ¶ List the files that are different between the current branch and the master branch.
git diff —staged ¶ definition: '(v1.6.1 and later) Diff files staged for commit.'
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git diff —word-diff ¶ definition: 'Highlight word difference rather than entire line.'
git diff-index ¶ Compares content and mode of blobs between the index and repository.
git log -p -1 <commit> ¶ Show the change made by a particular commit.