- DataSets
- Aspect-Oriented Programming with the RealProxy Class
- Building an IQueryable Provider
- Building Effective Rich Internet Applications
- C# 4 Dynamic Keyword
- Client Object Model
- Code Generators with .Net
- Configuring Relationships with the Fluent API
- Encrypt a Column of Data in SQL Server
- Entity Framework
- Expression Tree Basics
- Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) Overview
- Going NoSQL with MongoDB (.Net)
- GroupByMany
- How Frameworks Can Kill Your Projects
- Integrating Dynamic Languages into Your Enterprise Applications
- Language Independence and Language-Independent Components (.Net)
- LINQ Enumerable Class (Part 1)
- LINQ Enumerable Class (Part 2)
- LINQ Samples
- Managed Extensibility Framework
- Migrating Applications to SQL Azure
- MSDN Blogs: Office Interoperability
- MSDN Web Services homepage
- Multiparadigmatic .NET
- MVC (Microsoft)
- .NET Development
- .Net Expression Trees
- .Net Garbage Collector
- .Net Threading
- SQL Server Management Objects Programmers' Guide
- SQL Server Service Broker: Archival Processing
- SQL Server Service Broker introduction
- SQL Server Service Broker tutorials
- Visual Design of Workflows with WCF and WF 4
- WCF Messaging Fundamentals
- WCF/WF Samples for .Net 4
- XPath reference (MSDN)