The Affordable Care Act, also known as "ObamaCare," will implement a new government board called the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB for short. This board will be charged with issuing healthcare regulations in the name of controlling costs.
If I had the opportunity to ask one question to the new IPAB, I would ask them this: "A pregnant woman's water breaks at 21 weeks. What action will you allow regarding saving the baby?" This is what happened with my own child. Her water broke at 21 weeks. Her mother could have chosen to abort the pregnancy, and even many who consider themselves pro-life would say that choice would be justified. However, she wanted her child. So our child received steroids and other treatment to keep her alive until the "point of viability" at 24 weeks, at which time she was born by Caesarian. Our child spent four months in intensive care. I'm sure the total bill was over $1 million; I saw a bill for the first three weeks and it was well into 6 figures.
So I would present this question to IPAB. And I am convinced, due to the extreme nature of the scenario and the ultimate cost, that they would order that the pregnancy be terminated. My daughter is healthy today. She has been diagnosed with moderate autism, which is a godsend compared to cerebral palsy or severe disability. She appears to be very intelligent, and she is brings joy to her parents and family. I shudder to think that given a few years' difference, she could have been put to death by a group of disconnected bureaucrats. I shudder to think how many such children will perish if this group is allowed to come to fruition.