Using $.extend() to "clone" a non-DOM object
// Define a first object and then use $.extend to create a merged object with a, b, and c
var ob1 = {a: 'hi', b: 'there'}
var ob2 = $.extend(ob1, {c: '!'});
// Modify ob2, but since the property doesn't exist except for ob1's prototype, it directly modifies ob1
ob2.a = 'There';
// In order to "really" clone the non-DOM object, we need to do this
// Note the extra $.extend({}, ob1) that uses a blank object literal as the basis for the object
var ob1 = {a: 'hi', b: 'there'}
var ob2 = $.extend($.extend({}, ob1), {c: '!'});
ob2.a = 'There';